We are wanting to find ways of sharing language, to keep our languages strong. Yolŋu language is not the only language that has these needs, we are part of something bigger in strengthening other languages too. Our languages are the first languages of this nation, all around Australia

Napurr ga djälthirr ARDS djämamirr mala ŋayi dhu ga ḏäl ŋorra dhukarr marŋgikunharaw dhärukku mala. Yaka yan Yolŋu Matha, wiripu wiripu Dhäruk mala, napurr dhu ḏälkum. Dhäruktja napurruŋ dhuwal ŋurruŋu dhiyal makarr-yindiŋur wäŋaŋur Australia-ŋur buku-ḻiw’maram